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[求助] 【悬赏】有家元有鲜花,快来拿~~

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发表于 2011-5-4 20:50:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 adyu 于 2011-6-15 00:03 编辑


amity_sue MM已完成翻譯

重建人类社会 第一季


S01x01   Arrival and Survival《求生要务》
The Colony experiment begins. The Ten Survival volunteers find an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Once they get acquainted with their new surroundings, they must deal with the rudimentary basics of survival: food, water and security.  

S01x02 Power Struggle《权利斗争》
When their limited power supply begins to run low, the colonists work on creating a generator. They also decide to go foraging for food outside the warehouse, since their food supply is also inadequate.  

S01x03 Comfort in Chaos《安处乱局》
With the basics of survival seemingly under their control, the colonists decide to focus on creature comforts, such as building a shower. However, neglecting security leaves them vulnerable to attack.  

S01x04 Safety and Security《安全与保障》
After a massive attack on the warehouse, the colonists make improving security their highest priority. While they are working, they are visited by gun-wielding traders, and the colonists negotiating skills are put to the test.  

S01x05 A Stranger Among Us《外来客入侵》
The Colonists experiment with solar electricity but are interrupted when strangers breach their security, abuse their trust, and attempt to steal their supplies.  

S01x06 Loss and Communication《折损与联系》
One of the volunteers goes missing during a search party. The remaining colonists attempt to find a way of contacting their lost member through various communication devices.  

S01x07 A Test of Faith《信仰的考验》
While on a trip to the river, the colonists meet a group of faithful missionaries that later stirs a moral argument between the colonists when two nomads come to the warehouse begging for resources. Also, the group's moral is low so the colonists try to work on new inventions to have some kind of entertainment to boost their spirits.  

S01x08 Recon Mission《侦察任务》
One of the colonist has trouble with a kidney stone. Also, as two colonists start a dangerous recon mission, there is a new arrival.  

S01x09 Breaking Point《忍无可忍》
The traders are back for business, which makes things difficult in the colony. The colonists continue working on their escape vehicle as one of them reaches his breaking point.  

S01x10 Exodus《逃生计划》
The marauders violently attack the colony while the colonists make the last adjustments to their escape vehicle.  

重建人类社会 第二季
S02x01 A New Beginning《病毒浩劫後》
Seven strangers from all walks of life enter a ground-breaking real-life experiment to see if they can survive and rebuild after a simulated global viral outbreak wipes out most of humanity.  

S02x02 After the Fall《百废待举》  
To secure their house from a new hostile threat, the colonists try to make an electrical power plant from rotting pig carcasses and an old tractor. And with food running low, Jim and Deville hunt game in the bayou.  

S02x03 Trust《平衡互信》  
The Colonists look toward sustainability, but dwindling resources and the introduction of two outsiders to the experiment upset the balance. Later, the Colonists are attacked while scavenging for supplies outside the Colony.  

S02x04 To Have and Have Not《资源有与无》  
A massive fire forces the Colonists to rethink their internal security options and Reno comes up with a creative way to build a huge windmill out of scrap found in the compound.  

S02x05 The Abduction《勒赎谈判》  
The Colonists' negotiating skills are put to the test when one of their own is violently abducted and the ransom note demands their precious resources of medical supplies, fuel, and food in exchange for their abducted member.  

S02x06 Skout《用水污染》
The Colonists discover their water source has been heavily contaminated and a leadership issue breaks out. Reno comes up with a plan for a cool new ride while Jim and Michel try their hand at gator wrangling.  

S02x07 Tick《陌生的来客》  
A stranger living on the Colony's fringes finally reveals himself and offers food and help, but could it be another trap? The Colonists also begin work on an escape boat that they can use to search for a better place to live.  

S02x08 Defense《防御与逃脱》  
VOPA returns with unexpected consequences, while the Colonists must focus on arming for an impending attack and finalizing the scout boat for exploring the bayou in search of food, resources, and an escape.  

S02x09 The Virus《游击队来袭》  
A militia of outsiders attacks the Colonists and their newly fortified compound. Then, the group divides, some taking the scout boat out to do reconnaissance for supplies and a place to escape to. But not everyone makes it back from the mission.  

S02x10 Don't Look Back《决不回头》
The Colonists mount a counterstrike on the militia who have been attacking them and then return to finishing the escape boat. But before they can leave, VOPA presents the Colonists with one last difficult choice.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-15 21:18:16 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-6-12 19:40:28 | 只看该作者

S01x01   Arrival and Survival《求生要务》
The Colony experiment begins. The Ten Survival volunteers find an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Once they get acquainted with their new surroundings, they must deal with the rudimentary basics of survival: food, water and security.  

S01x02 Power Struggle《权利斗争》
When their limited power supply begins to run low, the colonists work on creating a generator. They also decide to go foraging for food outside the warehouse, since their food supply is also inadequate.  

S01x03 Comfort in Chaos《安处乱局》
With the basics of survival seemingly under their control, the colonists decide to focus on creature comforts, such as building a shower. However, neglecting security leaves them vulnerable to attack.  

S01x04 Safety and Security《安全与保障》
After a massive attack on the warehouse, the colonists make improving security their highest priority. While they are working, they are visited by gun-wielding traders, and the colonists negotiating skills are put to the test.  

S01x05 A Stranger Among Us《外来客入侵》
The Colonists experiment with solar electricity but are interrupted when strangers breach their security, abuse their trust, and attempt to steal their supplies.  

S01x06 Loss and Communication《折损与联系》
One of the volunteers goes missing during a search party. The remaining colonists attempt to find a way of contacting their lost member through various communication devices.  

S01x07 A Test of Faith《信仰的考验》
While on a trip to the river, the colonists meet a group of faithful missionaries that later stirs a moral argument between the colonists when two nomads come to the warehouse begging for resources. Also, the group's moral is low so the colonists try to work on new inventions to have some kind of entertainment to boost their spirits.  

S01x08 Recon Mission《侦察任务》
One of the colonist has trouble with a kidney stone. Also, as two colonists start a dangerous recon mission, there is a new arrival.  

S01x09 Breaking Point《忍无可忍》
The traders are back for business, which makes things difficult in the colony. The colonists continue working on their escape vehicle as one of them reaches his breaking point.  

S01x10 Exodus《逃生计划》
The marauders violently attack the colony while the colonists make the last adjustments to their escape vehicle.  

重建人类社会 第二季
S02x01 A New Beginning《病毒浩劫後》
Seven strangers from all walks of life enter a ground-breaking real-life experiment to see if they can survive and rebuild after a simulated global viral outbreak wipes out most of humanity.  

S02x02 After the Fall《百废待举》  
To secure their house from a new hostile threat, the colonists try to make an electrical power plant from rotting pig carcasses and an old tractor. And with food running low, Jim and Deville hunt game in the bayou.  

S02x03 Trust《平衡互信》  
The Colonists look toward sustainability, but dwindling resources and the introduction of two outsiders to the experiment upset the balance. Later, the Colonists are attacked while scavenging for supplies outside the Colony.  
S02x04 To Have and Have Not《资源有与无》  
A massive fire forces the Colonists to rethink their internal security options and Reno comes up with a creative way to build a huge windmill out of scrap found in the compound.  

S02x05 The Abduction《勒赎谈判》  
The Colonists' negotiating skills are put to the test when one of their own is violently abducted and the ransom note demands their precious resources of medical supplies, fuel, and food in exchange for their abducted member.  

S02x06 Skout《用水污染》
The Colonists discover their water source has been heavily contaminated and a leadership issue breaks out. Reno comes up with a plan for a cool new ride while Jim and Michel try their hand at gator wrangling.  

S02x07 Tick《陌生的来客》  
A stranger living on the Colony's fringes finally reveals himself and offers food and help, but could it be another trap? The Colonists also begin work on an escape boat that they can use to search for a better place to live.  

S02x08 Defense《防御与逃脱》  
VOPA returns with unexpected consequences, while the Colonists must focus on arming for an impending attack and finalizing the scout boat for exploring the bayou in search of food, resources, and an escape.  

S02x09 The Virus《游击队来袭》  
A militia of outsiders attacks the Colonists and their newly fortified compound. Then, the group divides, some taking the scout boat out to do reconnaissance for supplies and a place to escape to. But not everyone makes it back from the mission.  

S02x10 Don't Look Back《决不回头》
The Colonists mount a counterstrike on the militia who have been attacking them and then return to finishing the escape boat. But before they can leave, VOPA presents the Colonists with one last difficult choice.


参与人数 2家元 +200 鲜花 +10 收起 理由
nideyingzi + 10 鲜花额花送的,等了这么长时间才有人来~~
adyu + 200 感谢您的热心帮助^_^


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-14 19:47:16 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-6-14 22:51:20 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-6-17 08:56:22 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-6-18 14:20:05 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-7-1 12:26:51 | 只看该作者
S01x01   Arrival and Survival《求生要务》
The Colony experiment begins. The Ten Survival volunteers find an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Once they get acquainted with their new surroundings, they must deal with the rudimentary basics of survival: food, water and security.


参与人数 1家元 +10 收起 理由
adyu + 10 小家因您而精彩^_^


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-7-1 13:02:54 | 只看该作者
3楼翻译的挺辛苦,不过有些地方不准确。我翻译了一段,楼主可以看看有没有必要参考一下。如果觉得不错,我可 ...
emerald 发表于 2011-7-1 12:26

    原則上, 精益求精是大家的福氣, 小家都是歡迎的, 獎勵也是會有的, 不會因為第一個翻譯, 第二個翻譯而有不同.

站在 纪录片百科的立堤, 還有1000+ 的帖子等人翻譯, 希望大家儘量找
目錄 Category:缺翻译
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-7-1 19:55:00 | 只看该作者
回复 9# adyu

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使用道具 举报

受到警告 11
发表于 2011-7-30 22:34:36 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1家元 -20 收起 理由
frdzb -20 1.请认真回复,尊重他人劳动。 2.字数不要用标点符号填补。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-7 00:44:56 | 只看该作者
我想参与这种翻译,只是有点疑惑:1. 有时间要求么?比如发出来要2天内翻译出来还是什么?2. 怎么知道自己的翻译是否采用了?3. 是不是自己想翻译就直接翻译了回复在帖子里就可以了?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-7 14:38:41 | 只看该作者
我想参与这种翻译,只是有点疑惑:1. 有时间要求么?比如发出来要2天内翻译出来还是什么?2. 怎么知道自己的 ...
stat 发表于 2011-8-7 00:44

紀錄片百科先前因為惡意攻擊, 暫時關閉註冊; 再因一些事故暫移到
想參與翻譯, 請看這裡
    http://tieba.jlpzj.com/index.php ... A%E7%BF%BB%E8%AF%91


"缺翻译"这个目录主要收录在条目里影片内容介绍 or 分集介绍其中之一文字敍述缺乏翻译的影片;
不用一字一句照翻, 可以適度刪節, 你看市售的DVD 簡介, 大概就能掌握到分寸了.

做好了請在本版發帖, 好評分

1. 有时间要求么?  --> 無
2. 怎么知道自己的翻译是否采用了?  --> 只要不是用翻譯軟體硬翻, 詞不達意, 基本沒問題
3. 是不是自己想翻译就直接翻译了回复在帖子里就可以了? --> 是
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-7 22:43:36 | 只看该作者
回复 13# adyu

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-9-3 18:28:48 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

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