Continuing the grand tour the of Hart-Davis jewellery, we arrive at the 17th century.
Designer Livynge
In this programme Adam examines the introduction of various inventions essential to our modern quality of life, such as coffee, fabric dieing, exercise machines, as well as the construction of St. Paul's Cathedral by Sir Christopher Wren.
The Applyance of Science
Adam looks at the development of phyics throughout the 17th century, taking in hydrodynamics and aerodynamics, as well as the giant revolution accomplished by that greatest of all Stuarts, Sir Isaac Newton.
The Organysed Isle
Concentrating primarily on social inventions - starting with the activities of Moll Cutpurse, the world's first highway(wo)man, preying on new lines of communication opened by travel by coach. The creation of Great Britain, invention of fire insurance and firemen, the first banknotes, government bonds, and the Bank of England.
New Worldes
Developments in optics and physics allowed the Stuarts to gain access to new worlds of the very small, through microscopy discovering the unseen marvels of microscopic insects and bacteria, the base of the ocean, via a diving bell designed by Sir Edmund Halley, and to hypothesise about new worlds in space.
註: 丁丁的介紹大概是抄verycd 的, 介紹了 斯图亚特时代,國王誰怎樣怎... 但是跟本片無關.
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