一 Mind Control(心灵控制)
自从他在4频道电视表演后,2000年的“思想控制”已经给他的“读心术”变得逐渐广为人知。他有能够用敏感的信息预测而且影响人的想法的知识和技术, 运用肢体语言操纵而且读懂敏感的心理信息。
⑴ Derren Brown的现场俄罗斯轮盘秀
2003年10月5日,Brown在英国4频道上玩俄罗斯轮盘。因为英国法律有禁止手枪所有权的关系,这个魔术在一个秘密的地方表演,据称是英国的境外。拿枪的志愿者是从12,000人选出的,自愿者装了一颗子弹进入有六个弹膛的一把连发左轮手枪中, 然后Brown要求志愿者从一数到六,尝试预测子弹的位置, 他在第3和4的弹膛上对准了自己的头拉了板机,慢慢的,他在第5个弹膛指向自己三四秒后又指向沙包开火,但是这一弹膛证明也是空的,这时他停顿了大概1分多钟,然后迅速向自己射出第6个弹膛后向沙包开火,结果证明子弹在第一个弹膛里。他成功的逃脱了死亡!
⑵ Messiah(救世主)
他分别化名向超能力训练学校专家、基督教牧师、曾被外星人绑带者、新世纪学者及灵媒表示他有超自然的某种力能,并运用其熟练的魔术及心理学技巧 (读心术及思想误导) 展示给这几位异能者看。结果五个鉴别的权威都被他蒙骗,并表示想在他们的杂志或电视节目访问及推荐他。
⑶ Psychic powers(灵魂的力量)
⑷ Alien abduction(外国的诱导)
二 Trick of the Mind(思想的诡计)
“思想的诡计”是Brown的第二大作品,不像“思想控制”这个节目,这个是完全新的表演。 在 2005 年四月11日在4频道上演出!
⑴ The Gathering (聚集)
⑵ The Heist (抢夺)
2003 年 Derren Brown 在 Channel4 表演“电视直播俄罗斯轮盘赌”,用据说是真的左轮手枪,真的子弹,仅凭他选择的志愿者的一句话,决定是否要对着自己的脑袋开枪。
Derren Brown plays Russian Roulette
这个近2个小时的节目,大部份时间在展示他选择这名志愿者的过程。他在节目过程中解释,他必须对最终选择的志愿者的心理活动有百分之百的把握,以至于可以绝对地判断出他说话的真假。他先是让有意参加的人给他寄自演自唱的录像带,选择了100个志愿者后,把他们召集到伦敦西敏寺大学的一个礼堂。第一步,他让志愿者们走进中央摆着几排椅子礼堂,让志愿者们尽快找一把椅子坐下。志愿者们鱼贯而入,结果发现一共只有90把椅子。他马上淘汰了没找到椅子的10个人,因为他们“过于儿戏”;然后是坐第一排的10个人,因为他们“太积极想把我干掉”;还有最后一排的10个人,因为他们有“逃避责任”的嫌疑。接着有许多类似的游戏和测试,最后剩下5个,集中到一个农庄。又经过几轮游戏和测试之后,最后获选的志愿者负责检查枪支,装好子弹。节目的高潮是是 Derren Brown 坐在桌边,桌上摆着装好子弹的左轮手枪,这个志愿者就坐在身后不远处,被要求无论发生任何情况不要离开座位,然后Derren Brown让他将1-6号枪膛的数字依顺序报一遍,并“尽量不要给我任何线索,因为这样会干扰到我的判断。” 接着Derren Brown就要凭着该志愿者说出的one到six的六个单词,判断朝哪里开枪--是自己的脑袋,还是一边的沙袋--直到这个子弹打出来为止。在表演中,他还判断错误了一次,对着沙袋打了一空枪,需要重新稳下心神才能继续下去。
他总是一再强调,他的表演不是特异功能,是心理暗示加魔术而已。我比较欣赏的一个节目是 2004年播出的《召魂》(Séance),他选择了一个空置的医院,找来一群医学院的学生,告诉他们一个故事,说多少年前有个女孩在这里的一个屋子里自杀。然后众位学生一起在 Derren Brown 的引导下,竟然慢慢地似乎是无意识地拼接出许多这个女孩的身世资料来,而且众人还从一堆照片中找出了一张照片,认为就是那个女孩。这一切与 Derren Brown 事先放在信封里的材料照片一致。于是学生们开始半信半疑是否因为他们身处女孩自杀的地方而得到了“信息”。这时候已经是深夜,所有人聚集在医院的一间地下室里,围坐在一张桌子边,关了灯,手拉手,念叨女孩的名字,说如果她的鬼魂在的话,可以向“朋友们”显灵等等。忽然有人的身体就不由自主地动了起来,“鬼魂”现身了几十秒才离开。
最后灯光打开,Derren Brown 感谢参与的所有学生们度过了一个“难忘的夜晚”,让惊魂未定的学生慢慢恢复,他一个人独自离开了。他走过昏暗无人的医院走廊,他的脚步的回响是唯一的声音,他走过空旷的院子,来到电视转播车边,打开了车门。
Russian Roulette
On 5 October 2003, Brown performed Russian roulette, live on Channel 4. The stunt was ostensibly performed at an undisclosed location outside mainland Britain, in Jersey, because of British laws banning the possession of handguns. A volunteer, James, chosen from 12,000 who applied for the task, and whittled down to five by the day of the stunt, loaded a single shot into a revolver with six numbered chambers, after Brown had said "choose one of those numbers, keep them to yourself, choose one, it doesn't matter which one it is, settle on a number, are you thinking of one now", James then counted from one to six. Attempting to predict the location of the bullet, Brown pulled the trigger on chambers 3 and 4 with the gun aimed at his head, before appearing to decide on chamber 5 and firing the gun away from himself. When that chamber proved to be empty, he paused for over one minute before aiming at his head again for chamber 6, then immediately extending his arm and firing the round in chamber 1 away from him (with the gun out of camera view).
The programme was initially condemned by senior British police officers, apparently fearful of copycat acts.
Brown himself defended the programme, saying, "It probably sounds odd. But as a magic-related performer, to have that even being asked: Was it real? Was it not real? That lifts it to a level that I'm very comfortable with. What's left is the fact that it was a terrific piece of television."[6]
Brown's next project, Derren Brown: Séance, aired on Channel 4 on 31 May 2004. In Séance, he brought students from Roehampton University together for a live séance. He held the event at Elton Hall in East London, claiming the location had a history of paranormal activity after 12 people killed themselves in a suicide pact in 1974. Brown then proceeded to demonstrate the methods used by spiritualists.
The show attempted to involve the television audience with interactive activities, the first being to identify one of the members of the suicide pact by looking at photographs. The 12 pictures were shown on screen in a set pattern, with half of them in colour and half black and white. The viewer was instructed to choose one of the colour images that they "feel a connection with". Brown then directed the viewers in a movement pattern between the photographs (for example, move left or right to one of the adjacent black and white photographs). The positioning and movement instructions were carefully planned to ensure that no matter which photograph was initially chosen the viewer would finish on the picture of "Jane". Ten of the students also chose Jane. During the following Ouija board scene, the "spirit" guided the students to spell the name Jane.
Two of the students, along with the television viewers, were asked to write the name of a city. Both students chose London.
The final scene, the séance itself, saw the group "contact" Jane. One of the students spoke as if she were Jane, giving details of her life. A letter and short film confirmed the accuracy of the details.
Brown went on to explain some of the manipulations he had used, including the photograph positioning/instructions and the use of the ideomotor effect during the Ouija board scene. The suicide pact had not taken place and "Jane" was introduced to the students at the end of the show. In his book, Tricks of the Mind, Brown reveals that, contrary to claims when the show was aired, Séance did not go out live. He said it was necessary to make people believe that it did at the time.[7]
Channel 4 received 700 complaints, most before the episode was aired. Viewers who felt "something unusual" were invited to call a phone number, and callers were told that the show was carefully planned, and that no paranormal activities were taking place. Brown also warned viewers about the impending Ouija board scene, advising those who objected for "religious reasons or otherwise" to stop watching the show.[7]
Main article: Messiah (Derren Brown special)
Shown on 7 January 2005, Derren Brown traveled to the United States to try to convince five leading figures that he had powers in their particular field of expertise: Christian evangelism, alien abduction, psychic powers, New Age theories and contacting the dead.
Using a false name each time, he succeeded in convincing four of the five "experts" that he had powers, and they openly endorsed him as a true practitioner. The fifth expert, the Christian evangelist Curt Nordheilm, whilst impressed by Brown's performance, asked to meet him again before giving an endorsement. The concept of the show was to highlight the power of suggestion with regard to beliefs and people's abilities, and failure to question them. Brown made it quite clear with each experiment that if any of the subjects accused him of trickery he would immediately come clean about the whole thing, a rule similar to one of the self-imposed rules of the perpetrators of the Project Alpha hoax. His conclusion was that people tend to hear only things that support their own ideas and ignore contradictory evidence; this is known in psychology as confirmation bias.
The Gathering
The Gathering was a specially recorded as-live show at a secret location (hidden from the audience) with an invited audience of students from Roehampton University, celebrities, psychologists, psychics, taxi-drivers and magicians. It was filmed on 18 May 2005 and broadcast on 29 May. As part of the show Brown recalled streets, page numbers and grid references from the Greater London A-Z map. Also pseudo-psychic "mind reading" and "remote viewing" activities were recreated. During the show, Brown hypnotised the audience as a group and convinced them that for approximately half an hour after leaving the room, they would have no memory of the events. Furthermore, the word "forget" was intermittently flashed very briefly on the backdrop throughout the performance. A variety of audience members were interviewed afterwards; some of them couldn't recollect anything (but were nevertheless very impressed); brief clips of these interviews were shown. One of the most memorable stunts was getting a London taxi driver to choose a street in London and then choose and mentally drive a random route. This was achieved by drawing a line on a map of London made of stuck together A-Z pages. He started in Buckingham Palace and ended up in Shepherd's Bush Green, the street in which the secret performance took place.
The Heist
Main article: The Heist (Derren Brown special)
The Heist was shown on 4 January 2006 at 21:00, on Channel 4. In the show, Derren Brown used his skills on selected participants who answered an ad. "Under the guise of a motivational seminar" (where they would allegedly learn Derren Brown's skills) Brown eventually got participants to rob a security van - in what was ultimately an elaborate set up. The robbery involved holding up a security van and guard (played by an actor) with a realistic-looking toy pistol that Brown had given them earlier, and taking a case filled with real money from him. Four people were selected to carry out the robbery from an initial field of thirteen, with three of them actually carrying out the "robbery". The idea was that after the conditioning they received, they would voluntarily rob the van of their own accord. There was no mention of the 'crime' to the participants, and they were not (directly) instructed to do it. The three that did it did so as a result of the conditioning and their own choice, not instructions from any third party including Brown.
Brown associated colour, music and phrases to build the participants into a highly-motivated state, converging all of those psychological empowerment tools into a single set up. The seminar subliminally anchored freedom, childhood, opportunity and romance into various criminal acts. After having previously been convinced to steal sweets from a shop based in Codicote High Street in Hertfordshire (for real), they were shown the euphoria that could be gained from criminal acts.
This programme also contained a re-enactment of the Milgram experiment carried out by Stanley Milgram in the 1960s with the aim of selecting four of the most obedient of the group. 65% of the subjects in this experiment were willing to administer lethal electric shocks to another person on the instruction of an authoritative figure (unbeknown to the subjects, the electric shocks were not actually real); these were the same results as Milgram himself found.