弗氏希冀此模型能放诸四海皆准,故转求古典神话和当代民族志以为比较素材。弗氏恋母情结一词,原名俄狄浦斯情结(Oedipus complex),即取自著名希腊悲剧作家索福克里斯之名作《俄狄浦斯王》(Oedipus Rex)。弗氏如是言道:“我从自己身上发现对我母亲的爱,对我父亲的妒。如今我认为此乃孩童遍存之现象。”弗氏尝试于心理动态层面落实此发展模式。每一阶段均为迈向成人的性成熟期之进程,该成熟期将产生坚实自我,并发展出延迟欲望满足之能力。(参见《性学三论》(Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality))。弗氏视俄狄浦斯冲突为性心理发展与启蒙之型态,借此指出他所确信人性对乱伦的渴求,与压抑此欲望之必要。他并转求文化人类学对图腾崇拜的研究,主张此崇拜以仪式性演绎,正反映出部落型态之俄狄浦斯冲突。
任何对弗氏思想的讨论,若不触及其影响力深远又争议不断,关于女性角色与心理层面之议题,便无以称之完备。虽弗氏为早期提倡女性自由与教育之健将(参见其〈开化性道德与当代神经失衡〉(Civilized Sexual Morality and Modern Nervousness)),一些女性主义人士辩言,弗氏对女性性发展的看法,不过让西方文化中女性的进步倒退数十年,向男尊女卑的意识型态靠拢。弗氏相信女人为残缺之男,必须学习接受自身的毁伤(缺了阴茎),服膺想像的生理诫命。他据此提出如阴茎钦羡与进行阉割等术语,描述意欲于家庭以外场域,展其才学的女性心理,不仅“丰富”了歧视女性的辞藻,更造成1970年代以前,女性教育权的斲伤,并徒增女性进入传统以来由男性主导之社会场域的障碍。
虽弗氏论点受到关心女性平权人士质疑,然如朱立叶·米契尔(Juliet Mitchell)、南西·查德罗(Nancy Chodorow)、洁西卡·班哲明(Jessica Benjamin)、珍·盖洛普(Jane Gallop)、珍·弗莱斯(Jane Flax)等女性主义理论家,认为精神分析理论与女性主义所谋者并不分驰,可如面对如其他理论传统,将其纳为己用,去除其中性别歧视成分。另一女性主义者舒拉米斯·费尔史东(Shulamith Firestone),也认同弗氏理论对女性主义运动仍有所用。在其〈弗洛伊德主义:误导之女性主义〉(Freudianism: The Misguided Feminism)一文,论及弗氏论点基本言之可谓正确,除一重要细节须作修正:即弗氏写道“阴茎”处,都可换为“权力”一词。
此外值得注意处,为弗氏早先认为歇斯底里症(hysteria),源自孩童时期之性逾矩(sexual abuse),但晚后舍弃此称为诱奸理论(seduction theory)的说法(参见其《性逾矩索引》(The Index of Sexual Abuse)),直言许多案例中均发现,孩童时期性逾矩之记忆,并非出自事实,多源出想像。弗氏转而重视俄狄浦斯理论,断言人潜意识均希冀与双亲发生性关系。
在其晚年作品中,弗洛伊德提出心理可分为三部分:本我、自我与超我(id, ego, and superego)。
弗洛伊德于不同作品中解释宗教起源。《图腾与禁忌》(Totem and Taboo)一书,提出人类起始以“原初部落”方式群聚,此多配偶制(polygamy)组合,包含了一男、多女、及其子嗣。依弗氏精神分析理论,男孩生命早期对母亲抱有性欲,此恋母情结为普遍存在的现象。父亲有保护部落的能力,因此男性爱慕他,但也同时因父亲与众母亲的关系而嫉妒他。儿子们了解独力无法击败领导者父亲,故合力予以杀害,之后以祭仪宴飨形式啖之,借此将父亲可怖力量纳入己身。然而众子之后背负的罪恶感,也使其强化对父亲的回忆,并予以祭拜。超我便如此取代父亲,形成内化的威权之源。部落内也由此产生乱伦与婚姻的禁忌,并以象征性的动物牺牲(献祭)(sacrifice)取代仪式性的活人宰杀。
《摩西与一神论》(Moses and Monotheism)一书,则根据弗氏里论重建圣经历史,然而圣经学者与历史学史家,因其说法与现存可信史料不符,不予接受。弗氏思想在《幻象之未来》(The Future of an Illusion)一书另有发扬。论及宗教为一种幻象(illusion),弗氏强调其为一幻奇结构,人若要成长入成熟期,必须脱离此结构。弗氏对潜意识的处理,则偏向无神论。
* 《歇斯底里症研究》,与约瑟夫·布鲁尔(Josef Breuer)合著。(Studies on Hysteria / Studien über Hysterie,1895)
* 《梦的解析》(The Interpretation of Dreams / Die Traumdeutung,1899)
* 《日常生活之精神病学》(The Psychopathology of Everyday Life / Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens,1901)
* 《性学三论》(Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality / Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie,1905)
* 《图腾与禁忌》(Totem and Taboo / Totem und Tabu,1913)
* 《论自恋》(On Narcissism / Zur Einführung der Narzißmus,1914)
* 《超越快乐原则》(Beyond the Pleasure Principle / Jenseits des Lustprinzips,1920)
* 《自我与本我》(The Ego and the Id / Das Ich und das Es,1923)
* 《幻象之未来》(The Future of an Illusion / Die Zukunft einer Illusion,1927)
* 《文明及其不满》(Civilization and Its Discontents / Das Unbehagen in der Kultur,1929)
* 《摩西与一神论》(Moses and Monotheism / Der Mann Moses und die Monotheistische Religion,1939)
* 《精神分析概要》(An Outline of Psycho-Analysis / Abriß der Psychoanalyse,1940)
[编辑] 关于弗洛伊德和精神分析的书
* Philip Rieff, 弗洛伊德:道德家的Mind, 3d ed. (芝加哥大学出版社, 1979)
* Anthony Bateman 和 Jeremy Holmes, 精神分析导论:Contemporary 理论与实践 (伦敦: Routledge, 1995)
[编辑] 概念批评
* Adler, Mortimer J., What Man Has Made of Man: 研究of the Consequences of 柏拉图主义 and Positivism in 心理学 (纽约:Longmans, Green, 1937). (A 哲学批评 from 亚理斯多德ian/Thomistic point of view.)
* Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Félix, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem and Helen R. Lane (London and New York: Continuum, 2004). (This first volume of the famous two-part work (also subtitled Capitalism and Schizophrenia) polemicises Freud's argument that the Oedipal complex determines subjectivity. It is also, therefore, a staunch critique of the Lacanian 'return to Freud.)
* Ellenberger, Henri F., Unconscious的发现: 李适合 Evolution of Dynamic Psychiatry (London: Penguin, 1970). (An extensive account and sensitive critique of 弗洛伊德 metapsychology.)
* Eysenck, H. J. and Wilson, G. D. The Experimental Study of 弗洛伊德理论, Methuen, London (1973)
* Eysenck, Hans, 弗洛伊德帝国的衰落 (Harmondsworth: Pelican, 1986).
* Hobson, J. Allan Hobson, 梦:睡眠科学导论 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). ISBN 0192804820. (Critique of Freud's dream theory in terms of current neuroscience)
* Johnston, Thomas, 弗洛伊德和政治思想 (纽约: Citadel, 1965). (One of the more accessible accounts of the import of 弗洛伊德主义for 政治理论)
* Marcuse, Herbert, Eros 和文明: A Philosophical Inquiry into 弗洛伊德 (Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1974). (Mentioned above. For a good review, see Stirk, Peter M. R., ‘Eros and Civilization revisited’, 人类科学的历史, 12 (1), 1999, pp. 73 – 90.)
* Mitchell, Juliet. 精神分析和 Feminism: A Radical Reassessment of 弗洛伊德精神分析 Originally published in 1974; Basic Books reissue (2000) ISBN 0465046088
* Neu, Jerome (ed.), 剑桥 Companion to 弗洛伊德 (剑桥大学出版社, 1994). (A good conceptual overview.)
* Ricoeur, Paul, 弗洛伊德和哲学: An Essay on Interpretation, trans. Denis Savage (纽黑文和伦敦:耶鲁大学出版社,1972). (Great fun!)
* —————, The Conflict of Interpretations: Essays in Hermeneutics, ed. Don Ihde (伦敦: Continuum, 2004). (A critical examination of 弗洛伊德对于哲学的重要性)
* Thomas Szasz. 反弗洛伊德: Karl Kraus's Criticism of精神分析and Psychiatry,Syracuse 大学出版社, 1990, ISBN 0815602472.
The area of biography has been especially contentious in the historiography 精神分析, for two primary reasons: first, the vast majority of historical material on Freud has been, since his death, made available only at the permission of his biological and intellectual heirs (他的女儿安娜·弗洛伊德, was extremely protective of 她父亲的 reputation); second, much of the data and 弗洛伊德精神分析理论 hinges upon the personal testimony of 弗洛伊德自己,and so to challenge Freud's legitimacy or honesty has been seen by many as an attack on the roots of his enduring work.
第一本弗洛伊德传记是他自己写的:精神分析运动的历史 (1914)和An Autobiographical 研究 (1924) provided much of the basis for discussions by later biographers,包括"debunkers" (as they contain a number of prominent omissions and potential misrepresentations)。20世纪以来弗洛伊德少数的主要传记如下:
* Helen Walker Puner, 弗洛伊德:他的生活和思想 (1947年) — an associate editor of 父母杂志,该书 was for a thoroughly popular audience, and was 资源of many long-lasting "myths"关于弗洛伊德(精神分析是一种宗教;弗洛伊德恨自己的父亲等)
* Ernest Jones, 弗洛伊德的生活和著作, 3 vols. (1953-1958) — the first "authorized" 弗洛伊德传记,made by one of his former students with the authorization and安娜·弗洛伊德的助手, with the hope of "dispelling the myths" from 早期传记。
* Henri Ellenberger, Unconscious的发现 (1970) — was the first book to, in a compelling way, attempt to situate Freud within the context of his time and intellectual thought, arguing that he was the intellectual heir of Franz Mesmer and that the genesis of his theory owed a large amount to the political context 回到19世纪的维也纳。
* Frank Sulloway,弗洛伊德: Biologist of the Mind (1979) — Sulloway,第一位写弗洛伊德传记的专业历史学家,positioned 弗洛伊德 within the larger context of 科学的历史, arguing specifically that Freud was, in fact, a biologist in disguise (a "crypto-biologist", in Sulloway's terms), and sought to actively hide this.
* Peter Gay, 弗洛伊德: 我们时代的生活 (纽约: W. W. Norton & 公司, 1988) —该书的出版是对反弗洛伊德文学和1980年代的"弗洛伊德战争"的回应。
The creation of 弗洛伊德 biographies has itself even been written about at some length — see, for example, Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, "弗洛伊德 Biographies的历史," in Discovering the History of Psychiatry, edited by Mark S. Micale and Roy Porter (牛津大学出版社,1994).
* Webster, Richard. 为什么弗洛伊德是错的: 罪、科学和精神分析 BasicBooks, 1995. ISBN 0465095798